Traoù nevez, kozh traoù, bitrakoù ha traoùachoù, ha soubenn an teir yezh…
Bulletin paroissial, grandes nouvelles et petits plaisirs, en direct de La Ville aux Pies…
Les articles concernant le plus directement mon actualité musicale sont signalés d’un *. Une question? Je tâcherai d’y répondre ici.
Big news, sweet nothings and silly jokes… In French (and occasionally Breton) so far, unless it turns out English is needed too: if so, please e-mail your question and I will be happy to oblige.
(Oh, and in case you wondered, “Kerbiquet” is just the unofficial name of a field with my house on it. It means “Magpieville” in Breton and I love it.The name. And the field too.)